HTML5 Capabilities

HTML5 is the future of the web and sooner or later all web browsers will have to support it (for now, IE is behind in adjusting to this new technology while Chrome, Firefox and Safari are capable of interpreting HMTL5 markups). In an effort to show the beauty and power of HTML5, Google launched the website There is an amazing HTML5 slide presentation that shows the capabilities of this new technology.

Power and beauty of HTML5 capabilities consists of 3 sections:

  1. Interactive presentation of HTML5. This section has an interactive slideshow that demonstrates different HTML, JavaScript and CSS powers
  2. HTML5 Code playground. This part of the website allows web developers to play around with the code and see the results right on the screen
  3. Step by step tutorials on HTML5

John oftentimes takes the lead as the Agile Project Manager and SEO expert on selected projects, which allows him to be hands-on with the latest trends.