
Django / Python Web Development

ArtDriver has been an active advocate for WordPress CMS, and it would not strike our readers if we told them that over 50% of our web development projects for the past two years have been WordPress based websites. However, this post is not about WordPress anymore; rather it will describe our joy of discovering Django, an open source web application framework (as well as a CMS) written in Python programming language. We recently launched a Django based website for The Write Track Admissions consultants based in Washington, D.C., and have been delighted to learn this new technology that can be effectively utilized for the creating complex, database-driven websites.

We've enjoyed working with The Write Track Admissions, a Washington, D.C. based company that provides university admissions advice. The Write Track Admissions difference can be described in one short paragraph:

"G.E.T N.O.T.I.C.E.D stands for the hallmark of Write Track Admissions. Our mission is to work directly with you, and fully discuss your personal story, academic pursuits, and admissions goals. Our expertise affirms that you will Get Noticed by the admissions committee, and Get In to your top choice programs."

If you want to learn more about Django, visit the Wikipedia article or the official Django project website.

Here is the URL of the newly launched Django site: Check it out! If you don't wan't to follow the link, here are some screenshots:

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