
10 Content Marketing Ideas for Designers

10 Content Marketing Ideas for DesignersContent marketing is a big thing in the internet era. Although content marketing has been around for quite some time, website developers still struggle to think of new content ideas.

Content marketing can be defined in many ways. If you ask me, it is the artistic creation of something important to give it away for free, but with a catch. You are going to kindly ask for their email address while they are at it. After all, few think twice about subscribing to download a certain important file.

The concept is quite simple. But the problem lies with the creation of specific content. The whole deal behind content marketing is to get the right people to your website. All the hard work put into creating a website and choosing web hosting options is to earn from traffic. This requires targeting them with very specific content.

In this article, I shall discuss 10 very interesting content marketing ideas to get your grooves running.

1. Blog

The most common content marketing idea of all time and yet the most successful and probably the easiest way to get you started. But before you start, try to come up with some novel ideas. Define your audience first. This will help you think of subject ideas. Don’t worry about giving away your ideas. Explain your objectives or give insights into your business. This will help you look like an expert in your field. If you are still confused on what to write about, here are some ideas

To make it more customer oriented, add a feedback column at the end of your post asking the reader what they think.

2. Video

Video is becoming more and more easy to create. It has become common to post videos on the web. You could consider making a video about your business or much better, make a video showing the process involved in creating your product or the research behind it. Product reviews and product comparisons are now a trend as many people research about products before buying. Another idea is to convert your best blog posts into videos.

YouTube is a great platform for hosting your videos. Wistia has premium plans that have good SEO. 

3. Email Newsletters

Email newsletters is a great way to express your creativity and intent in attracting customers. Create an email list of potential customers. Choose at least one product carefully, like an eBook, that you can publish on your website to build your email list. Give people something in return for sharing their email address with you. Keep sign up forms at the end of each blog post on your website. You can re-purpose how-to and other popular blogs posts as an e-book for download. Send a part of the blog posts as email newsletters. Services like MailChimp and Campaign Monitor can be used for creating and sending emails easily.

4. Slideshows

Slideshows are a quick, simple way to portray information. Probably the main reason why professionals use them in important sales meetings. And you can too adopt this technique to make your sales pitch.

Create short, easy to digest presentations and put them up on Slideshare. This will then enable you to share them across social media or embed them in blog posts. It’s the best way to re-purpose old PowerPoint presentations.

5. Create a Decision Guide

If your goal is to serve your audience’s needs with each and every step of the buying process, then content marketing is a great platform. People don’t feel comfortable making decisions, especially on new subjects.

This is where you can pitch in with a decision guide.

Here are a few examples of decision making guides in various industries:

Want to see if your audience appreciate your guidance? Keep a voting widget.

6. Aggregate Content

As a content aggregator you have the important role of gathering and organizing web content for your audience. This is because people may find it difficult to get relevant, up-to-date information or news in their niche. You can be the one stop solution for information about your industry like Job listings, upcoming events, news etc.

7. Create an Infographic

If you have some relevant industry information or a source, create an interesting graphic based on it. You can even hire a designer for it. Infographics look great on social media. You can also include them in your blog posts to illustrate your point.

8. Include Answers from Influencers

Reach out to influencers or famous persons in your niche and ask questions about the topic.

It is a great way to make a connection with co-authors. It also provides the necessary social proof by linking your work to the influencer.

Think of great questions and then find the influencers to answer them.

9. Run a Contest or a Quiz

It is an evergreen method to get more audience. It’s gotten better with social media. For contests, you can use social media to attract your audience. You can make them do something with your product to enter. For the quiz, you could make it interesting by choosing slightly controversial topics. Write a blog post on your verdicts and opinion after it is over. Be prepared to host a large number of simultaneous users by creating a light website and choosing good web hosting.

10. Social Media

Add links to the above content marketing ideas on social media. Post snippets of your unique ideas on Facebook and Twitter to drive traffic to your website. Use interesting captions. Create a page and attract members, generate likes and make a fan base.

Even the best ideas take time to reach. So keep hammering at it. In the end, a few high ranking blog posts is all that is needed to push your website to the top and boost traffic.


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