June is the time of the year when our team gets together to improve our company's image and polish up our branding elements. Most of the time we come up with a website update, but this year we completely revamped our site giving it a new look and feel. The new ArtDriver.com has arrived! Check it out for yourself and please, please do let us know in the comments area of this blog post what you like and what you don't like about the new ArtDriver look. You can also click on Facebook LIKE button to like us or test the newly launched Google +1 button that we placed in the bottom right hand side of our footer.
We continue to give preference to WordPress content management system (CMS), and think that this is a great open source platform for a corporate website. It allows companies to easily update the content of their websites, modify the menu structure with a click of a button as well as take advantage of the powerful WordPress blogging capabilities and various plugins that can be installed at any time.
Below is a screenshot of our new home page:
New look of ArtDriver - June 2011
and this is how we looked prior to June 2011:
Do you like the improvement?